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tv   Studio B With Shepard Smith  FOX News  October 24, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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she was so gracious. i asked if she and the president watched 9 debate. she said they had. i asked if the former had thoughts on how it went and she said, he did, and i am out of time. >>shepard: that is evil. >>megyn: i am liberty to tell. it was not on the record. >>shepard: if you cannot share with the whole class. >>megyn: i will tell you on twitter. >>shepard: sure. number nbc on "studio b" today. officials were very much aware that a terror group claimed responsibility for the deadly attack in benghazi, libya. they were aware in two hours. that is according to a series of e-mails that have leaked. we have some of them. a marathon day of campaigning. rebound and governor romney making stops across several key states with 13 days to go. analysts warn that terrorists could get tipped off about
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airport security screening just by looking at their boarding passes. it turns out you can, too. that is all ahead unless breaking news changes everything. this is "studio b." first from fox at 3:00 in new york city, there is a new twist in the deadly attack in libya. fox has obtained e-mails that show u.s. officials knew a group linked to al qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks hours after the assault. the messages show up to 400 security officials at the white house, the state department, and the pentagon had copies of the e-mails in their possession while the consulate was still in flames. as you probably know, militants attacked consulate on 9/11 and killed four americans including the u.s. ambassador to libya. in the first days after the attack, the administration suggested it was likely part of a spontaneous protest against
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the antimuslim video. the e-mails including the one you see here, show officials learned quickly that the consulate was being fired upon. they show that administration officials knew a terror group claimed responsibility on facebook and they called for an attack on the embassy in tripoli. secretary of state, hillary clinton is pushing back on this. she says the e-mails do not tell the whole story. >> the independent accountability review board is hard at work looking at everything. not cherrypicking one story here or one document there but looking at everything which i highly recommend at the appropriate approach to something as complex an attack like this. >>shepard: the white house press secretary adds that the same group that claimed responsibility denies it launched the attack. carney said neither claim should be taken as fact. but the e-mails will fuel
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further criticism of the white house and add to the politicized nature of this tragedy. catherine is live in washington, dc, newsroom. explain the broader significance of the e-mails. >>reporter: the new documents are significant because the e-mail takes the information inside the white house situation room including the senior intelligence officials, james clapper and white house counterterrorism advisor into the loop as they would be in on this. the other key player is the c.i.a. director, general petraeus. the senior republican on the senate intelligence committee cannot understand why the administration blamed the anti-islam video. >> what has bothered me and other members of the intelligence committee from day
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one, we got push back early. it was strange because they never do that. >>reporter: the attack was a joint venture or joint separation of a group that wants to establish an islam state in libya and al qaedas in north africa. >>shepard: but have learned the white house reprimanded the top counterterrorism official after he testified about this attack. >>reporter: congressional sources tell fox the head of the national counter terrorism center was reprimanded by the white house after he told the senate homeland security security that the ambassador and three other americans died during the course of a terrorist attack in benghazi. here is the testimony. >> i will ask whether you would say that the ambassador and the three other americans died as a result of a terrorist attack. >>guest: certainly on that question i would say yes. they were killed in the course a
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terrorist attack on our embassy. >>reporter: a spokesman for the national security council disputes our reporting saying to fox this is completely false. the attack in benghazi was an act of terrorism which is why the president referred to as such three times before the testimony. a spokesman for the nctc said he denied he was reprimanded for the statements. >>shepard: thank you, catherine, from washington, dc. now to the judge, our senior judicial analyst. hundreds of people had the e-mails in the hours after the attack? >>judge napolitano: we now know the president did not want to address this the other night and probably breathed a sigh of relief. >>shepard: mitt romney didn't either. >>judge napolitano: the governor miss add golden opportunity to rip into the president on this and the president dodged the bullet. governor romney also gets intelligence briefings as does
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the president. we don't know if it is the same level which the president gets. we now know that the president could now have been truthful when he told jon stewart on the "dly show" when we get the information we release it to the american people. and ambassador rice was not truthful when she said four days after --. >>shepard: do we know she had the information? >>judge napolitano: hard to believe she didn't. but give her the benefit of the doubt. someone between the white house and the ambassador rice was not truthful because we now know that 400 people in the state department and the intelligence community and the situation room and the white house knew this was a terrorist attack. it is political. it will come back to hurt the president. the president has argued because he killed osama bin laden, al qaeda and the monsters are on the run. they are not. to admit that their statement, their political statement was wrong, they would have to tell the truth what happened in benghazi and that will hurt
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them. >>shepard: on the surface that is how it looked to a lot of people but if you back this up and you say, all right, what we are trying to say or the implication is the white house knew this was a terrorist attack, susan rice was sent tout say it wasn't, when they knew 400 people had the e-mails, if they were intentionally telling the truth, surely they knew it would come out and they knew if they did that it would hurt them. it was a month-plus to go. >>judge napolitano: that is a head scratcher. the president knew at time it was a close race. >>shepard: but it is never the crime, it is the coverup. >>judge napolitano: it is not against the law for the government to lie to the people. but the remedy is a political one and the people lied to may take that remedy and vote out of office a government that has lied to them. >>shepard: say they did it another way. he has a huge lead at the time which is highly unusual for democrats on national security. and on military matters.
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say they did it this way, everyone knew they came right out and said america has been attacked. we go on the offensive and the white house says we will get them, they have attacked us on this day. if you are thinking politically, which is what everyone is doing on this, doesn't this give you a huge political bone when the united states is attacked traditionally without failure and without any waivering, the people come together around the people who are now in power so if this is case, why wouldn't they go, people, we have been attacked again, come together, stay together, fight the terrorists. >>judge napolitano: another head scratcher. the president must know some things. >>shepard: or it was an error that the white house says they don't make. >>judge napolitano: someone made a mistake and the white house thought they could get away with it and the someone in the white house thought they would cover it upcoming down at the worst possible time for the president 13 daze before the election.
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>>shepard: hard to figure out exactly what happened. >>judge napolitano: it is a serious issue. >>shepard: the judge mentioned 13 days to go and both candidates hitting the campaign trail. president obama started talking to voters in iowa and now he is on the way to denver and then off to los angeles for an appearance on "the tonight show," and late night in las vegas. the president will spend the night on air force one as he heads down to tampa, and governor romney is at a rally in reno, nevada and then heads to iowa and then ohio. the candidates will be in the key battle ground states. the latest polls appear for give president obama a lead, however slim, in the state of nevada. >>reporter: they do. but it is in the margin of error, governor romney finishing under the event here in reno
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trying to turn around the results of 2008. the president is increasingly looking like a map who is desperate to hang on to his job with the 48-hour six-state swing and continuing the same level of snark on display at debate this week, ridiculing governor romney for the shift to the middle saying he is forgetting the previous conservative positions and he has a bad case of romnesia. >> if you can't remember the policies on your own website, or the promises you made over the last six years you have been running for president, or the promises you made six days ago, you probably have romnesia. >>reporter: the president under fire for an off the record interview with des moines register two weeks before the election, with people saying it
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should have been on the record revealing in the conversation the first year of the presidency he has no regrets for pursuing health care above everything else including the economy. >>shepard: governor romney is spending the day out west. what is the message? >>guest: it is the same as it was before, he wanted to drive home the message of the economy but he is doing it with an inevitability air saying he has the momentum the president cannot overturn in 13 days and the president's campaign is on way and hammering the president for not having any kind of agenda the next four years, anything new, and for making the big election about small things. >> we have not heard an agenda from the president so his campaign is taking on water and ours is doing better, he is reducing characters on "sesame street" and word games. and misfired attacks after each
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other. >>reporter: look at who is back after his controversial performance in the republican convention in tampa, clint eastwood has done a new ad in support of governor romney for american crossroads, and it is all in favor of mitt romney. no empty chairs, either. >>shepard: thank you, john roberts. >> hackers have stolen some customers' credit card information from a major chain and they could already be racking up charges on your account. plus, the place where drivers can pass 85 miles per hour without even risking a speeding ticket. stay tuned. so, what happens if i'm in an accident and need to get my car fixed? progressive makes it easy, because we give you choices.
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>>shepard: got the need for speed? get ready to drive 85 miles per hour and get away with it in the great state of texas south of austin where the speed limit sign now reads 85, fastest in the nation. high speed driving kills thousands, but the new toll road could provide money for the state of texas. drivers will need to come up with $6, one way, to get on the road. and now, live in austin. i don't know, i feel like the rest of the nation should pay attention to everything happen nothing that part of next. >>casey: this is your kind of road, you have a lead foot with the speeding incident on the way to hurricane isaac. this is a connection of the cities of always fin and san antonio and the only option until now has been interstate 35 and a lot of people familiar with that road, it is a mess, it is congested and 45 percent of the state's population lives along the i-23 corridor, and the speed limit is 55 in many places
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so an 80 mile drive between austin and san antonio can take 2 or 2 1/2 hours. on the new toll road the commute cut in half. you can make it in one hour they tell us but drivers do have mixed feelings about this. >> it is good for the people. it is faster. >> i will not do 85. i have two little ones. it is great when you are trying to get somewhere. especially if this is not a lot of traffic but with traffic picking up, i would say it will be dangerous. >>casey: the price tag of the project is $.2 billion. >>shepard: we used to drive this past in montana and all over the place but there are safety concerns. >>casey: there are. a couple of different things, some experts we talked to say if the legal speed limit is 85, phones are going to push it and if they go five or ten miles per
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hour over like a lot of people do on the road, you are talking about folks moving at nearly 100 miles per hour and the governor, highway safety association, tells me that 13,000 people die each year in this country from speed-related crashes and there is a fear that number could go higher according to the experts as other states look at what texas is doing and possibly raise their speed limit. >> it is fast. the concern is this could spread to other places. legislatures in other states may not know the details and realize it is a relatively small limited road and they may want to increase the speed in their states. >>casey: this road was designed for high-speed travel because it is a straight stretch, it is in a rural area, and they stand by the speed limit of 85 miles per hour. it just opened a short time ago and tonight for the fox report we will be broadcasting like on
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the road from our quick response vehicle. we will test it out. >>shepard: you can do that while texting and having a burger and applying your makeup. >>casey: exactly. >>shepard: you can drive 85 miles per hour. >> hackers hit another retailer, targeting barnes and noble customers. there is still a barnes and noble, reporting that criminals tam perked with the card wife devices at 60 stores and may have stolen credit and debit card information in these nine states here, california, connecticut, florida, illinois, massachusetts, new jersey, new york, pennsylvania, and rhode island. and you have not been a victim. the way you know is you get your bank statement and suddenly there are a lot charges. >>guest: you may want to first know if you have actually shopped and purchased anything at the 63 stores affected.
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we have the stores listed on and the company does not know how many have been affected. here is what the company says to do. if you believe you have been affected by this, check your credit card statement. if you see unauthorized charges, be concerned. if you shopped in the past month and wifed your debit card change the pin number because they planted a bug to read the numbers. >>shepard: what is barnes and noble saying? >>guest: the customer database is security and your information has not been compromised. they are saying "purchases made on barnes and noble" or nook were not affected and college campus stores have not been affected by this. check and see if you have shopped at the 63 stores listed on the web site.
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>>shepard: online check in makes it easier for flying where nothing else it is easy but it could make it easier for terrorists to skirt the incredible security we have in place much the potential threat that is hidden on your mobile boarding pass. or the ones you print at home. in america tay we're running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy.
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by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪
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>>shepard: a new washing -- warning about gaps in security with preprinted boarding passes helping smugglers to get through security. according to a report in the "washington post" the bar codes on the boarding passes contain information about which type of screening you, as the passenger, receive. as security analysts explain, if
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a group of people is planning an attack, that group can check the boarding pass and whichever guy is going to have the least screening is going to be the one who will take potentially problematic items through security. >> now, we have chairman of a consulting and research firm in the airline industry. another gap. >>guest: well, this is just one more gap in the giant titanic. it is meaningless. a terrorist does not plan for months and look at the boarding pass and say i will not do it. whatever security they get, it is sloppy and this will not deter or help anyone. >>neil: why are they making a big deal out of this? >>guest: well, some geek found it and decided that, gosh, someone could put his laptop in his bag and get security. so what? that is what we are looking at. the terrorists will do what they did on 9/11, go through the back
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door. >>shepard: this matter of the, when you get in without taking your shoes off, they treat you like a human being rather than a project. >>guest: that is no less or more security. most of the 9/11 hijacker could have passed that preject. this is just disturbing. >>shepard: what do you make of the moves of the very slow scanners that do not do anything to airports where they can go slow and not do anything. >>guest: again, it shows the t.s.a. people are incompetent. remember the puffer machine? we had to destroy them. >>shepard: i preferred the air blowing rather than hands. i will fake air over the hands. >>guest: it felt better. in question.
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but we are not any better off. >>shepard: i prefer it to be my decision not their decision for reasons which make no sense. you are like the voice of reason in this debacle of airport security. >>guest: thank you very much. >>neil: is anyone in washington, dc listening? more ahead on the revelations of the deadly attack on libya with the latest on the obama administration's reaction to the e-mails that a terror group claimed responsibility. did you hear what hillary clinton said? we were talking about this, hillary clinton said, don't jump to any conclusions. yet we know they have the e-mails and we know 400 people knew in hours and there is something we don't know, isn't there? >>jonathan: it appears. on the flip side of what hillary clinton said, how many times have we heard any particular group claim responsibility for an attack just for the sake of they're go? >>shepard: that is true but i
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bet there is something we don't yet know.
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>>shepard: this is "studio b" at the bottom of the hour. it is time for the top of the news. the white house now pushing back on republican suggestions that newly surfaced state department e-mails are evidence of some kind of coverup after the u.s. consulate attack in benghazi, libya. the e-mails show the state department alerted hundreds of white house and pentagon
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officials that the diplomatic compound was under attack. the e-mails went out hours after the attack started. they also show a group with links to al qaeda claimed responsibility on twitter and facebook. the u.s. ambassador to libya died in the attack along with three other americans. today, the state department spokesman said that e-mails, such as these, are sent all the time, and they really don't tell the whole story. >> there are instances where the officer might send out messages to throw different groups claiming responsibility for the same event but it is standard practice for them when we have breaking news for them to inform all of us in this building. >>shepard: the e-mails put the white house in a difficult spot because after the attack the administration did not say it was terror attack. what do we know about the e-mails? >>reporter: they went to the
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white house situation room and senior officials that describe the attack almost in real time, the third e-mail sent out while the attack was still underway said and i quote, "update two claiming responsibility." but the person would briefed reporters was not the national security advisor or the director of national intelligence, it was the u.n. ambassador ambassador rice, and a more knowledgeable source would know it was not a protest gone bad. >> because of the way they coordinated the attack it took sense of planning so afection they decided on a whim to show up and be this wildly successful doesn't cut it here. >>reporter: there was in protest, we now know. >>shepard: what is the administration saying? >>reporter: jake carney says there was a lot of information coming in and the same group that claimed responsibility the
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night of the attack later denied it and a week later there was no evidence to back up that it was pre-planned, secretary of state, hillary clinton, suggested today the evidence was not reliable. >> posting something on facebook is thought in and of itself, evidence. it just underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time and continued for some time to be. >>reporter: there were differing accounts from libya with reuters sending out this clip from the consulate where the anti-islam video was blamed. >> americans want to say something bad about the prophet mohammed. so don't make our people angry. they will kill. >>reporter: an official initially blamed a protest against the film. >>shepard: thank you, wendell,
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from the white house. now to www.realclearpolitic we know the mails went out and there is a massive coverup or screw up but it will be difficult. >>guest: their whole line has been we have told you everything we know at the time we have known it so this opened up a window for republicans. this is an election year of course. it opens the window for critics to say this is what you said you knew and it is not the case from where we have seen it and we have seen people like john mccain and others addressing the president and ask him to come forward and to tell the american people exactly what happened. thought is not the best optics for the white house. >>shepard: but you would have to assume that they knew in advance about this. that they thought with 400
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people getting the e-mails that word would leak to anyone about the e-mails that seems implausible. >>guest: that is something they are going to have to explain. we heard jake carney in the white house briefing room two days later saying we don't have any information that suggests this was an attack. >>shepard: that is not true or maybe high forgot to read the e-mails. if i didn't read the e-mails for two weeks they would toss my butt. >>guest: they will have to answer to this. this is an election year. it will be highlighted even further. >>shepard: and there is susan rice on the sunday shows, you have to believe that either the right hand and the left hand were working on different continents or they have a massive coverup for elections and she is under the bus, hillary clinton has tire treads, too. >>guest: she took, came out
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and took the blame before the debate which was a good opportunity for her. looking at the timelines, it is not adding up at this point so, the question remains, yes, why did susan rice go on tv and say this is what we know, when they saw that. but hillary clinton's point, we understand the intelligence community gets unbelievable a information and they cannot just, she said they could not verify that one. now, the --. >>shepard: the place is under attack...thank you. it is tough. >> somebody could finally be forced to answer for tens of thousands of reported slaughtered in syria. the united nations now investigating war crimes as militants shot down any hopes for a cease-fire. later, the stunning claims
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legalzoom helps you get personalized and affordable legal protection. in most states, a legal plan attorney is available with every personalized document to answer any questions. get started at today. and now you're protected. >>shepard: one group if syria has rejected the upcoming planned cease-fire calling it a "filthy game." today, the united nations peace envoy to syria said the country's government and some rebel leaders have agreed to stop fighting during the muslim holiday that begins on friday, a special festival. the secretary of state, hillary clinton was looking forward to hearing about the plan. >> we have been if close touch with the team. we support the call for a cease-fire for the festival, the holiday, so syrians can celebrate if peace.
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>>shepard: the group is pushing back and other rebels say they doubt the truce will be much of anything at all. act have its say 34,000 men and women and children have died in the civil war that stretched on for more than a year. fox cannot confirm the numbers. our chief fox report correspondent is in the studio. we have seen and heard this before. >>jonathan: remember back in april, kofi annan as a peace envoy announce add cease-fire? it held for three or four hours. now we have one opposition group you mentioned, saying they will not abide by the new ceasefire proposal. others are say they will abide by it if the regime of bashar al-assad abide the by it. tomorrow we will hear from the syrian government. they are likely to say they will abide by it if the opposition groups do. so that gives everyone cover to cover open hostilities and saying the other side fired first.
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however, the peace enjoy said it is a step in the right direction. >> we contacted the different factions inside syria that we were able to communicate with and the different rebel sours and most agreed to a cease-fire. if this humble initiative is successful we hope to use it as a building block for talks on a longer cease-fire that must be part of a well rounded political process. >>jonathan: if you think you saw former president immediate behind him, you did, he was in egypt as part of a group called the elders former politicians trying to help the transition. >>shepard: we need the help. and defense secretary panetta weighing in on the issue of whether the united states is supplying any sort of weapons to the rebel groups. >>jonathan: the russians have evidence that some of the rebel groups in syria are using american-made stinger surface-to-air missiles and defense secretary panetta has no
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knowledge whatever of the u.s. providing any sort of weapons like that, in fact, any weapons at all. the u.s. did supply those stinger mills to afghanistan back in the early 1980's when the afghans everyone fighting the soviets and they turned the war this but officials have said, again and again and again in this conflict, the only aid they are giving to the remember olds is of the nonlethal variety >>shepard: a judge resentence add would be bomber to harsher 37-year prison sentence for the so-called millennium plot. this is the guy that was caught with a truck full of explosives in 1999 planning to blow up lax. today, this is after a court found two previous sentences were too late. he cooperated for a while, and he provided the information that led to this now famous pre-9/11 f.b.i. memo titled bin laden determined to strike in united
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states. he is credited with helping officials catch bin laden lieutenant who now is in custody at guantanamo bay. he later recanted the statement but the prosecution pushed for a mum of 27 year-sentence. another person confirmed dead of meningitis and now disturbing details on what investigators are finding inside the pharmacy that is linked to the national outbreak. the problems include unsanitary pool of water outside the room that is supposed to be sterile, drugs for shipment before tests confirmed they were sterile and black fungus in sealed bottles that were recalled. officials say tainted steroid medication from that facility could be linked to 317 cases of meningitis and the death toll is up and now 24 nationwide and a criminal investigation is very much underway. now the news from atlanta, home to the centers for disease control. jonathan, we are learning more
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about the incubation period of this rare form of the disease. >>guest: we are. new information coming from tennessee which is dealing with the largest number of cases, doctors in that state are seeing patients develop symptoms an average of 18 days after injection. public house officials have found that for patients exposed to the tainted modes, the majority of risk stroke or death is gone by 42 days after injection. there is still a chance you could get sick but death and serious illness is highly unlikely after this period. in tennessee, 75 percent of patient whose received the steroid injections are already beyond the 42-day mark so officials there are saying that this is the light at the end of the tunnel. >>shepard: do they have a plan to keep it from happening again? >>guest: on the microbe level, officials in massachusetts are saying they revoking the license not only of this compounding pharmacy at the center of the investigation but, also, the
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three principle pharmacists working there. they are beefing up oversight in massachusetts of other compounding pharmacies and have conducted their first surprise inspection but regulations vary from state to state and as a result of the outbreak there are renewed calls for federal standards, new federal oversight of compounding pharmacies that are dealing with interstate commerce. >>shepard: thank you, jonathan. a man says a driver stranded him in the middle of the desert forcing him to drag his body down a dirt road for days because he has no use of his legs. >> scientists now say that for many of us, drinking green tea could help save our lives. [ male announcer ] there are only so many foods
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>>shepard: this is breaking news. there has been a shooting in california south of los angeles with five shot, at least two dead in downey at a business and a nearby home, according to the fire department that responded to the shooting off lakewood boulevard. it happened about an hour ago. officials say the owner of the home is connected to the family-owned business which is called united states protection services and the business just a couple of problems away from the home. last report, five shot. two dead. an ongoing situation outside los angeles with updates through the afternoon. >> a new sign that the u.s. housing market is gaining traction which could be good for the overall economy. a lot of good news on housing, and the housing department
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reports the number of new homes have been sold jumped last month to the high it level in two years, up 6 percent, from august. keep in mind the increase in sales means there have been fewer houses to go and but last month, builders reportedly broke ground on homes at the fastest pace in four years and the construction of each new home creates an average of three jobs for a year. very promising news for fans of green tea. the beverage could reduce the risk of many types of cancer for older women. that is the finding from a canadian study during which researchers followed tens of thousands of chinese women over a decade. the scientists found women would drank green tea at least three times a week were 14 percent less likely to develop cancer. that included cancer of the stomach and the throat and the colon. now, we have a physician at johns hopkins in baltimore and author of "unaccountable, what
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hospitals won't tell you and how transparency can revolutionize health care." >>guest: good to be here. >>shepard: the studies have a little side bar that you need to know before you start processing them. this is that most of the elder people are healthy. >>guest: a lot people say, what were the other people drinking that were not drinking three cups of tea a week? if they are drinking soda and sugar drinks or a lost alcohol, their health comes are not at good but there could be something to the idea that hot tea may line the g.i. system. all the cancers you mention are along that track, colon, stomach, and throat and if there is a lower incident it could be to the backtoryia that irritates the lining getting killed or something else is washed away or maybe the new compound in green tea that people are interested in. >>shepard: tell us about the compound. there is green tea in our green
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room but we have had green rooms for year and green tea is new and we see it everywhere. legislation is a compound that is believed to have strengthened the membrane of a cell and it makes it stronger implicated to maybe help with the parkinson's disease progression. green tea has caffeine so it is not all good but people that drink green tea are probably not drinking other bad stuff. >>shepard: better than a monster drink. >>guest: there is a lost new research that is interested in this and the studies have gone back and north and people that come to my office and have struggled with the flu and a common cold tea settled well with the tom action and a lot times we encourage people to try tea and see if it makes you feel better. >>shepard: doctor, thank you. >> there is an amazing new treatment for wrinkles. hear that? it is not a cream. it is not an injection.
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not even a special potent. [ male announcer ] red lobster's hitting the streets
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with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. >>shepard: a guy in mexico spent days dragging himself down a dirt road in desperate search for help after he was stranded in the middle of the desert. it happened three hours outside of albuquerque, new mexico, a man usually gets around with a wheelchair after losing the use of his legs. he told reporters he was hitchhiking and a couple picked him up, took imto their home for steaks but according to the man they drove him to the desert and threw him out of their truck after he refused to share his booze. there was no wheelchair so he had to drag himself down the road. for three days. and three days later someone finally stopped and called for help. here he is now with a busted up
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blue jeans. he is still in the first stages of healing. >> and before we put a wrap on things, a spy in california is promoting a beauty treatment that owner says is better than botox. you it is in a special stool while a therapist slaps you. the spa owner in san francisco says she studied the ancient art of slapping in thailand and claims the repeated smacks to the face reduce wrinkles by making the skin on the face puff up or "swelling from an injury." the treatment takes ten minutes of whacks for the bargain basement surprise of $350. research idea. search face slapping and fetish. that's it. i am them laughing in the control room. i don't me if there is a face slapping


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